Wednesday, April 22, 2020

what is cable installation technician salary?

Without fail, in surveys across basically every demographic, the number one most important aspect of a job for most people is the salary — how much do cable technicians get paid where I live?

And while there are many things to go into how much you, specifically, can expect to make, there’s really good data for average salaries for cable technicians by state across America broken down by seniority level. So while your city may be slightly different than the state average, these averages give you a rough sense of what to expect for your salary.

To better understand how salaries change across America, we decided to take a look the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics on average pay for cable technicians by state.

Additionally, we wanted to adjust the salary based on the cost of living in a state — because your salary goes further in North Carolina than it does in California.

The state with the best salary for cable technicians after this adjustment? That would be Telecommunications Equipment Installers And Repairers, Except Line Installers.

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